
Manufacturing and industrial production: local websites

With PortoDeiPiceni you can find (almost) all the sites that deal with manufacturing and industrial production in the provinces of Ascoli Piceno and Teramo.

By clicking here

you will have the list of sites cataloged as related to the topic.

Since the list could be particularly long, we recommend searching by keyword, for example by writing food in the box below.

tips for a better search


Among the topics you will find: Food and drinks; Clothing and textiles; Footwear and leather goods; Wood, furniture and furnishings; Graphic arts, printing and stationery; Coke, petroleum, fuels; Chemicals, rubber, plastics and pharmaceuticals; Non-metallic mineral processing; Metal processing; Mechanical machines and apparatus; Electronics, information technology; Means of transport; Other productions; Building and construction; Distribution of energy, water, gas, telephony.

Searching tips

If you didn't find what you were looking for, try reading some useful tips to refine your search.

Warning: many sites do not have the English version and therefore are not searchable from this page; you must search for them bandiera italiana in the Italian version; many managers prefer the use of social networks (Facebook, Instagram) for which they do not have internet pages.

Attenzione: molti siti non hanno la versione in lingua inglese e pertanto non sono ricercabili da questa pagina; dovete cercarli nella versione italiana; molti gestori preferiscono l'uso dei social network (Facebook, Instagram) per cui non hanno pagine internet.


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MM-2023 PortoDeiPiceni by Gianluca Paniccia.

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